We know that Baptism is the fundamental Sacrament. No others are possible without it. Baptism enables a couple to vow themselves to each other in Matrimony. Jesus’ Baptism signals the start of His mission. What we see in Jesus’ Baptism sets the tone for all His public life. John the Baptist freely hands over his followers to Jesus when He comes to the river. John had large following. He must have been tempted to hold on to them. Instead he tells them to follow, “the Lamb of God”. He says that he, himself, must decrease while Jesus increases. The humble love of Jesus radiates into the world even before His public mission starts. John inspires us in following Jesus and giving Him free reign to work through our lives. Jesus submits to the Baptism of John. He follows the divine plan from the start. He is immersed in the water He walked at the dawn of creation, the water He will walk on later in life. He sanctifies the water of His Baptism that will then sanctify His followers. And the Father manifests His approval, assuring us that the Sacraments communicate real communion with God. This creates the pattern for all the Sacraments. In simplest terms, a Sacrament is and outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace (Baltimore Catechism). Each one draws from an action of Jesus in His earthly life and is passed on in the Community of Faith for our sanctification. At the Wedding of Cana, He blesses Marriage. In forgiving people’s sins, He prepares the way for Reconciliation. In healing the sick and anointing them He prepares the Sacrament of the Sick. At the Last Supper the Eucharist is given to us and the priesthood is established. With the Feast of Pentecost Confirmation is prefigured and inaugurated. His attitude in all of this is one of humility, service, love. The Sacraments are not magic rites or mere symbols. Beneath them is the very real presence of the Holy Spirit and the living Lord, Himself. Pause and reflect on your Baptism, even if given to you as an infant. Recall the other Sacraments you have received. What effect do they still have on your life? Which ones can you return to often for strength and spiritual growth? Look at Jesus’ life in the Gospels. What does it say to you today? Can you gain new confidence in His promise of eternal life?